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Friday, December 25, 2015

The most fascinating aspect of Human Body - The Chakras...!!

Chakras are energy centres which govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects of our inner being. This Sanskrit term means wheel or disk, and when the chakras are awakened, they turn in a clockwise direction. The chakras open up like flowers and pour out their qualities re-establishing our inner balance and restoring our health and form.
Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as major. Chakras are first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of knowledge.
The major chakras are whirling energy centers, which in general are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energize the vital organs of the visible physical body, and work like power stations to supply life energy to them.
When the power station malfunctions, the vital organs become sick or diseased, because they lack the enough life energy to operate properly. Minor chakras are about one to two inches in diameter and the mini chakras are even smaller. Both the minor and mini chakras control and energize the less important parts of the visible physical body. In general, the chakras interpenetrate and extend beyond the visible physical body.

The conventional system has seven charkas. Each of the chakras in the body is paired with an endocrine gland and governs its function.
    1. Mooladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)
    "Moola" means root, and "adhara" the support. This chakra brings support and protection to the roots at Mooladhara, to the Kundalini, and to the whole subtle system. It is at the base of the left channel. It controls the pelvic plexus and gives innocence and wisdom. This Chakra corresponds to the reproductive glands (testes in men; ovaries in women)
    2. Swadhistana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)
    This centre gravitates around the Nabhi, providing support for its action and creating the area of the Void. It symbolizes the creative sense within us. When the Kundalini rises, it enters the Nabhi, goes down to the Swadhistan and up again to the Nabhi. This chakra  corresponds to the Adrenal Gland
    3. Manipuraha Chakra (Solar Plexus)
    This centre is the seat of our attention, and it transmits material well-being and inner peace. This chakra is corresponding to the Pancreas.
     4. Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
    Situated behind the sternum, where antibodies are produced to protect our subtle system. This chakra gives a sense of security. It controls the heart plexus. This chakra is corresponding to the Thymus gland.

     5. Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra)
    Situated in the neck and the throat, this centre is in charge of every aspect of communication between human beings. From a physical point of view, it controls the cervical plexus. It governs the five senses and enables us to achieve the witness state. This chakra is corresponding to the Thyroid gland.
     6. Agnya Chakra (Third Eye)
    Situated in the middle of the forehead,at the optic chiasm, where the channels of the subtle system cross. The agnya is the straight and narrow way leading to the Kingdom of Heaven, the state of thoughtless awareness. This chakra is corresponding to Pituitary gland. 
     7. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)
    Situated in the limbic area, it represents the integration of all the chakras and all the aspects of the Divine within us. The Sahasrara is the destination, a holy place filled with the silence and the bliss of the Spirit. This chakra is corresponding to Pineal gland.
    Relationship between Energy body and Physical Body
    Both the energy body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one, affects the other and vice-versa. For instance, if the bioplasmic throat is weakened, then this may manifest on the visible physical body as cough, cold, sore throat, tonsillitis or other throat-related problems. Should a person accidentally cut his skin, there is a corresponding pranic leak in the area where there is bleeding. Initially, the affected area where there is a cut or sprain would become temporarily brighter due to pranic leak but would inevitably become grayish because of pranic depletion. If any part of the energy body is weakened either because of pranic congestion or depletion, the visible physical counterpart would either malfunction or become susceptible to infection. For example, a depleted solar plexus and liver may manifest as jaundice or hepatitis.
    From the given examples, it becomes quite clear that the energy body and the visible physical body affect each other. By healing the energy body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. This is called the Law of Correspondence. By regularly cleansing and energizing with prana, we can maintain the health of our physical body.
    Understand this beautiful system in detail in our Chakra Healing workshop which is scheduled periodically at our Tranquil Gardens Training centre. Visit for schedule of our programs.

    Saturday, November 21, 2015

    What others can do, you can also do. Inferiority complex is needless.

    Do you feel that you are not as good as others? Do you think some other people have more power than you? Do you think they have more capability than you?..

    Just think about a particular brand / model of car, say for example Maruti Swift. All the Maruti / Swift cars that are running on the road have been manufactured exactly with the same capability. All have same engine, same gearbox, same braking system, same axels, etc. So fundamentally they are all exactly same. They may vary in seat covers, some gadgets, etc. Some people drive this car at 100 km per hour and very happy and enjoying the drive. But there are some others who are scared to cross 60 km per hour. Where do you think is the problem? Does car have any limitation? No. All cars are equal in terms of capability; only the person who drives has all the limitations.  

    The human system is exactly the same. No one is better than others, no one is lesser than others. How you use your potential is your choice. Some people use their potential to achieve bigger things while other people settle for mediocre life.

    So, realize that, you have everything that you need to succeed in life. You just have to begin today!! / +91-9980102628

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Welcome difficulties and problems of life, they are for our good

    Always remember there is reason for everything that happens. Nothing happens by chance or accident. Universe has a certain order and everything is bound by a relationship of cause and effect. For every effect there is a cause. Whatever is happening to you right now is because you have put certain causes into operation in the past and unless all those causes are gradually worked out in the form of effects and no fresh causes are generated by us, we will not be free and happy for ever. 

    Based on the above knowledge, alter your mental attitude in confronting various incidents and problems of life. Don’t view them as burden coming to you out of nowhere. Consider all problems as projects and as means to grow and remain even minded in success / not success, gain / loss, praise / insult, so as to stop any fresh bondage of karma. It is not the incidents and events which are important but our mental attitude and reaction towards them. That is why it has been aptly said that “world is neither good or bad. It depends upon how we look at it” or in other words, it depends on the state of our mind. Whatever is within us, same appears to us outside.

    your thoughts are welcome:

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015

    Be a Mirror in other's lives!

    When you stand in front a mirror, what does it do?

    Yes...It gives feedback about you. How does your face look? Is your hair rightly set? Does your dress match with your looks and decent, etc.

    Have you ever observed and appreciated that the mirror just gives an unbiased feedback about you without any emotions attached? Does it get angry if your hair is messy? Does it laugh, if your dress is not matching with your jewellery?  No. That is why we love standing in front of the mirror irrespective of how we are and how we feel. The mirror just does not judge or evaluate. It just gives you the feedback. Any change that you may want to do is completely your choice. If you do not want make any change, it is perfectly fine too.

    But just think for a moment what we do when we give feedback to others. We include our comments. We also add our emotions. We don't even stop here. We also tell them what they should do or should not do.

    When we just give feedback, we show that we care. But when we add anything else to the feedback, we, in reality, are trying to change them or fix them. We try to force our idea on to them. We force our thoughts into them. We expect them take our solution. In short, we suffocate them.

    That is the reason why people are generally averse to take feedback from anybody. They hate to listen to any feedback because they are not feedback. They are solutions / ideas / instructions / advises disguised in the form of feedback. Then we complain that people are not willing to take feedback.

    People most certainly want feedback. Everyone always want to improve. Always want to become better and better. That is the reason they spend so much time in front of the mirror because the mirror just says "what is". No judgements. No evaluations. Completely unbiased. No intentions what so ever. However, what needs to be done, if at all need to be done, is completely left to the person's choice.

    It is very hard to be like mirror, emotionless, expressionless, or without judgement. But if you really care that your feedback will do a world of good for the person, you need to be just like the mirror.

    Next time when you attempt to give a feedback to someone,  or someone is trying to give you a feedback, just observe what actually happens !!

    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    Get logical answers for all the illogical happenings in your life..!!

    "What we see and hear is what we think about. What we think about is what we feel. What we feel influences our reactions. Reactions become habits and it is our habits that determine" our destiny"
    - Bob Gass

    We live in a world of unprecedented change. We are immersed in unpredictability and complexity. The more we discover the more 
    there is to discover. Every question reveals yet more questions. 

    We need skills and attitudes to help us learn how to make sense of chaos. We need to know how to find certainty within ourselves about what we want and what we believe when everything around us may seem to challenge who we are. 

    We need to know how to communicate with people of vastly different cultures and more than anything, how to communicate ourselves.  

    Have you ever encountered that awkward moment when your son / daughter calls you absolutely unfriendly, whereas you were always thinking that you were extra friendly with him / her?

    Have you heard a husband being served a divorce notice by wife when the husband was always thinking he was a very dedicated and extra caring towards his wife.

    People face many such stunning moments in their lives and completely taken aback.

    What you think about yourself is not true. Only what others perceive you does matter. Normally there is a huge gap between these two. 

    How, then do we cope? We need to look within ourselves and find our unique resources.

    This is where NLP comes in. 

    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)  helps us in developing our own formulae for successful and happy living.  

    NLP is a process of modeling the conscious and unconscious patterns that are unique to each of us. In essence, NLP is the study of our thinking, behaviour, and language patterns,so that we can build sets of strategies that work for us in making decisions, coaching a team of people, inspiring and motivating others, creating balance in our lives, negotiating our way through the day, and, learning how to learn. || || 998.010.2628 || 974.237.3173


    Saturday, January 10, 2015

    Your diseases are created by yourself...and you can heal them yourself!!

    Your body and mind are supposed to be in a perfect rhythm for you to be hale and healthy. When they go out of synch, your body will not be "at ease". That state is called dis"ease".

    Whatever your mind thinks, your body creates.,... Whatever.... really.

    Let me give you a small exercise.

    Close your eyes and imagine you are entering your kitchen. Imagine there are couple of ripe, juicy lemons on the cooking table along with a small knife. Now visualise that you take the knife, cut one of the juicy lemons into two halves. Take one half of the lemon, and squeeze it on your tongue. Taste the lemon juice in your mouth. Squeeze the lemon fully...

    What happened? did you salivate? Did your tongue taste the lemon juice?

    There was no real lemon? ..but your tongue salivated. How?

    Your body is the most obedient servant of your mind. Whatever your mind thinks, your body reacts. Your mind thought of lemon, and your tongue salivated to digest the lemon juice.

    Brilliant...isn't it?

    Let me tell  you an amazing real life story.

    A gentle man brought his mother to our Tranquilgardens for coaching. The issue was that there was some kind of liquid coming out of her ears and it has affected her "hearing" quite a bit. The problem started about 10 days ago and she was admitted in the hospital for a complete checkup. After performing all possible diagnostic tests like MRI, ECG, EEG, CT Scan..etc..etc.. doctors couldn't find any anomaly.  As the days went by, the hearing ability was becoming lower and lower and they wanted to do something about it.

    During the coaching process and private conversation, we figured out that she has a daughter, who was married about 6 years ago but has not given birth to a child yet. The lady has been disturbed a lot and daughter has been on some medical process for conceiving. About 10 days earlier, the lady's sister visited her home for inviting the family for the marriage of her daughter. This was the trigger for the whole problem.

    The lady began to wonder what she would say to people who would ask, why her daughter was still childless even after 6 years of marriage. She was petrified to think of what other would talk about her daughter. She was worried that how she would defend her daughter.

    She began to tell herself "I don't want to hear anything bad about my daughter"..."I don't want to listen bad things what people would talk about my daughter"..."I don't want to hear......."..."I don't want to listen.......".......

    Her body is the faithful servant of her mind and so it began to obey. It started seeping out a liquid from her ears and began to block the "hearing". 

    After 3 sessions of coaching using NLP, Hypnosis etc we could manage to make her accept the reality. When she began to see the world with the feeling of "acceptance", her view point altered; and the liquid stopped seeping out of the ears and her "hearing" began to improve.

    Amazing ...isn't it?!! 

    Yes, most of your dis"ease"s are created by your own mind and only YOU are responsible for your health. Hence only YOU can heal yourself. 

    Diabetes, Blood pressure (low / high), GERD, Migraine, Asthma and many more diseases are all created by your own mind and you can heal all of them yourself.

    So..... have the power to keep yourself in good health. And only YOU can keep yourself in good health.

    All the Best!!

    Contact us at : 9980102628 / 9742373173 / /
    Like us on 


    Monday, January 5, 2015

    You create your reality! Life is just responding to your actions!

    Do you know all the realities are existing already? You can choose to activate the reality that YOU want by your thoughts and actions?

    Most of you think the life " happens" to you. Happens from where? That is why people say "my life is bad", my life is "miserable" ..etc. They are completely unaware that THEY created their life.

    Have you played "Chess" with your computer?

    Remember, all the possible moves have already been programmed and stored in the computer. But the computer makes the move in response to your move. If you move your "knight",  computer makes a corresponding move. Instead if you move "queen",  it make a different move. Life works exactly like that. Life responds to your action. If you change your action, life responds differently. But all the responses are already created and ready for you.

    Let me explain with an example.

    Suppose you want to go to a nearby town, say Mysore. The moment you think of travelling to Mysore, all the realities in that space arrange themselves in front of you so that you can choose. You can choose to travel by bus or train, or car. The moment you choose to travel by train, all the events in the train, the people you will meet in the train, and the scenes that you will see in that journey are activated. Alternatively if you choose to travel by bus, all the events in the bus, the people you will meet in the bus, and the scenes that you will see in that journey are activated.

    Imagine that you are planning to catch the early morning train from Bangalore to Mysore the next day. The plan is to reach the railway station by car, and then catch the train. However, when you reached the station in the morning, you find that the train has already left. So you decide to drive by your car.

    Now, the events, people and the scenes in that train are all happening. Just that you are not part of that reality. That reality is showing up in your world. Instead you have activated different events, people and the scenes that you are experiencing by your car journey that are showing up in your world..

    Always remember, YOU are creating your reality by your thoughts and actions! Life is only responding to you!!

    Choose your thoughts and actions in such a way that you activate the reality that YOU want in the new year 2015!! Create the life you want!

    Wishing you all the very best in 2015!